Sunday, July 12, 2009

i wrote tis one in class..pretty short though..not sure wen but i knew it was last week..was reali insecure, n i guess i still m sometimes..

Im scared,
of losing my poetry,
so Lord help me,
make me see,
You and me,
forever, together,
we make,
beautiful poetry.

i wrote this one after that..was thinking how people always praise the i thought of writing one that contradicts all that instead and have a little fun..

I stood in my room,
Looking at the moon,
thinking its time,
i started rhyming,
the moon, and how,
its been lying, coz
we praise the moon,
for what it has,
taken from the sun's flares,
like a pauper,
a king's cloak he wears,
it may fit,
but it will tear,
coz the sun's responsibility,
the moon cannot bear,
giving life,
to this world we share,
But we dont care,
we think its true,
the moon and the,
lies it tells you,
stealing from the sun,
taking his light,
for its own,
this robbery, going on,
all year round,
every night, till
dawn is born,
Yet we dont see,
we tink its sweet,
when lovers swoon,
over the moon,
making it tunes and songs,
But i tell you,
we've got it all wrong,
its the sun,
this raw white force,
that deserves applause,
coz should it pause,
even for a second,
our lives would be lost,
without even,
time to repent,
lands by chaos shaken,
and turned to dust,
leaving nothing to last,
even the moon, its phase,
so lets praise,
the sun instead,
without it,
the moon's just,
another dark,
pimpled face


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